Shell 🐚
🔹 Goshell - Generate reverse shells in command line with Go.
🔹Print-My-Shell - Python script wrote to automate the process of generating various reverse shells.
🔹Reverse-shell-generator - Hosted Reverse Shell generator with a ton of functionality. -- (Great for CTFs)
🔹Girsh - Automatically spawn a reverse shell fully interactive for Linux or Windows victim.
🔹 Blueshell - Generate a reverse shells for Red Team.
🔹Clink - Powerful Bash-style command line editing for cmd.exe.
🔹Natpass - A new RAT Tools, Support Web VNC and Webshell.
🔹Platypus 🔨 A modern multiple reverse shell sessions manager written in Go.
🔹shells - Script for generating revshells.
🔹Reverse_ssh - SSH based reverse shell.
🔹Hoaxshell - A Windows reverse shell payload generator and handler that abuses the http(s) protocol to establish a beacon-like reverse shell.
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